GA心理咨询部有4名专职心理咨询师和1名兼职心理咨询师, 中间, and 上学校 students, 教师, 工作人员, 和父母.
致力于弹性技能的发展以及社会和情感的成长, the GA counseling department focuses on psycho-education, 咨询, 预防, 干预, 治疗, 和推荐. 为包括关系困难在内的各种各样的问题提供援助, 情感冲突, 友谊 and family concerns, 时间管理, 解决冲突, and stress and anxiety reduction. All counseling contacts are confidential. 只有在个人对自己或他人构成危险或有伤害风险的不太可能的情况下,私人信息才会被明智地共享, and then only in the interest of protection and safety. 父母 are always consulted in crisis situations.
The information included in this site is for educational purposes only. This site does not provide psychological diagnosis, 治疗, 或建议, 也不应被用作个人与精神卫生提供者之间直接接触的替代品. 个人作者的观点和网站链接不一定代表日耳曼学院的观点,但为寻求心理问题信息的人士提供服务.
Dr. 安德里亚·库尔茨
Director of 咨询服务
华盛顿堡 PA 19043
- Who is eligible to use GA counseling services?
- Are all contacts confidential?
- What are some reasons for using counseling?
- If I go for counseling does it mean there is something wrong with me?
- I’m not sure if counseling is what I need. 我该怎么办??
- How do I decide which counselor to work with?
- Is there a fee for counseling?
- Is there a limit to the number of counseling sessions I may use?
- 如果我想要咨询,但不想使用学校的服务,我应该怎么做?